Potential energyPotential energy is stored energy of an object because of its position or state.
Now that you’ve observed the relationship between kinetic and potential energy, tap next to continue.
Kinetic energyKinetic energy is the energy an object has because it is in motion.
Jennifer is an avid skater. Watch the meters as she demonstrates the relationship between potential and kinetic energy on the half pipe.
HELP!Tap to watch Jennifer skate again…
Congratulations! You’ve demonstrated great knowledge of my laws – Newton’s Laws. You’ve experimented with the effects of acceleration, mass and force as they impact our world. Be sure to write down the following code word in your logbook.
Hi, I’m Sir Isaac Newton. I discovered three laws that focus on how acceleration, mass and force impact motion. Can you guess what I called these laws? Ok, I’ll tell you. They’re Newton’s Laws of Motion. Tap the next button to start experimenting with my laws.
Based on what Jennifer just showed you, tap the button or buttons where she has the greatest amount of kinetic energy in the half pipe. Then tap submit to check your answer.
Oh no! Tap the help button before trying again.
Tap return to try again.
Now identify the button or buttons where Jennifer has the greatest amount of potential energy in the half pipe. Then tap submit to check your answer.
Rad, that’s it! Tap the next button to continue.
Rad, you got it! Tap the next button to continue.
Northern lights
Think for a second on what you know about Newton’s Laws. What constant force is acting on Jennifer to convert potential to kinetic energy? Tap the correct answer.
Good try, but the correct answer is gravity. It’s the force that is acting on Jennifer to convert potential to kinetic energy. Tap next to continue.
Look at her go! Jennifer made it to a height of 10 meters. Since gravity is a constant force, let’s explore what happens when we change acceleration and mass. Tap next to continue.
You got it right! Gravity is the force that is acting on Jennifer to convert potential to kinetic energy. Tap next to continue.
Tap next to continue.
First, change Jennifer’s acceleration. To do that, adjust the height of her starting point. Tap the arrows below to create two other heights and tap the “Skate!” button to observe what happens.
Starting height:
Now that you’ve seen what happens when acceleration changes, complete the following sentence. Increase Jennifer’s acceleration and she will ____________ . Tap the correct answer.
go lower
go the same height
go higher
Nope. Increasing Jennifer’s acceleration will make her go higher. Tap next to continue.
Now that you’ve seen what happens when acceleration changes, complete the following sentence. Increase Jennifer’s acceleration and she will ____________ .
That’s it! Increasing Jennifer’s acceleration will make her go higher. Tap next to continue.
Next, let’s observe the effect of changing Jennifer’s mass. Tap next to continue.
Jennifer’s mass:
Tap the arrows below to increase and decrease Jennifer’s mass. Then make a prediction to yourself – how high do you think Jennifer will go this time? Observe the effects of each change by tapping the “Skate” button.
So, you’ve seen what happens when Jennifer’s mass changes. Surprised? Remember, gravity is the force that speeds her up and slows her down. Since that force never changes, then changing her mass can only change how fast she goes. Now complete the following sentence: Increase Jennifer’s mass and she will ____________ .
Sorry, that is not correct. Increasing Jennifer’s mass only changes her acceleration. Remember: force = mass x acceleration Tap next to continue.
That’s it! Increasing Jennifer’s mass does not change the force of gravity, and she will not go higher or lower. Tap next to continue.
Jennifer still wants to go higher in the pipe. She can’t change her starting point or her mass. Perhaps adding an external force in addition to gravity is the answer. Time to observe what happens when her friend Erika gives her a push. Tap next to continue.
Erika’s force:
Tap the arrows below to increase or decrease the amount of force applied by Erika pushing Jennifer and observe the effects by tapping the “Push!" buttons.
go higher
Now that you’ve seen what happens when an external force is added, complete the following sentence. If you increase the force acting on Jennifer, she will ____________ .
go the same height
Good try, but increasing the force on Jennifer will make her go higher. Tap next to continue.
That’s it! Increasing the force on Jennifer will make her go higher. Tap next to continue.
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